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Access of the poor to agricultural services- The role of farmers’ organizations in social inclusion

Type du document: Ouvrages
Thème abordé dans le document: Agro-écologie
Nombre de pages : 68 pages
Date de publication : 0000-00-00
Edition du document : Non precisé
le(s) auteur(s) du document : Bertus Wennink, Suzanne Nederlof and Willem Heemskerk
Source vers le document: Document au format pdf; de taille 0.193737 Mb.
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Resumé du document : This bulletin is a joint effort of farmers organizations, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO) and KIT researchers. Resource-poor farmers tend to have more limited access to research, training and advisory services than do resource-rich farmers. And while access to agricultural services is not the only factor that can enhance rural people’s livelihoods, it is a very important one. New approaches for strengthening the capacity of farmer organizations to enhance the pro-poor aspects and accessibility of agricultural services are identified, using case studies in Benin, Rwanda and Tanzania. A framework for analysing the functioning of farmer organizations and their role in service provision was developed. It appears that different types of farmer organizations have different ways of dealing with the question of social inclusion, depending on the organization’s background and membership profile, as well as its purpose and organizational structure. These differences can have important consequences for the provision of services to both members and non-members. Of interest to both policy makers and practitioners, this bulletin presents guidelines for improving the inclusiveness of agricultural services and ultimately reducing rural poverty.

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