Economic Empowerment of African Women through Equitable Participation in Agricultural Value Chains

Nombre de page : 148

Date de publication : 01-01-2000

Edition : Non défini

Auteur : Jorge Tiemeier Hanns R. Neumann Stiftung

Type : Ouvrages

Theme : - Fiche technique de formation

This report prepares the ground to empower women, to take a leading role in the business of farming and agricultural value chains, regionally and globally”, said Donald Kaberuka, President of the African Development Bank. Agriculture in Africa is poised to remain one of the most important economic sectors, accounting for around 25% of the continent’s GDP. Over 60% of its citizens rely on agriculture for some form of income. To transform the sector, the economic empowerment of women through boosting their productivity and raising their participation in commercial and higher value-add activities in agriculture is central.

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